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افزودن به علاقه مندی‌ها:

Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services: Implications and Applications for Finance and Accounting Professionals

پدیدآورندگان: Stein Smith
ناشر: Springer
توزیع کننده: نگارستان کتاب آبی
سال انتشار: 2020
شابک: 9783030297602

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چکــیده کتـاب

Blockchain technology and artificial intelligence (AI) have the potential to transform how the accounting and financial services industries engage with the business, stakeholder and consumer communities. Presenting a blend of technical analysis with current and future applications, this book provides professionals with an action plan to embrace and move forward with these new technologies in financial and accounting organizations. It is written in a conversational style that is unbiased and obje

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