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افزودن به علاقه مندی‌ها:

Fuzzy Solution Concepts for Non-cooperative Games: Interval, Fuzzy and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Payoffs

پدیدآورندگان: Verma
ناشر: Springer
توزیع کننده: نگارستان کتاب آبی
سال انتشار: 2020
شابک: 9783030161613

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موضــوع کتـاب


چکــیده کتـاب

This book proposes novel methods for solving different types of non-cooperative games with interval/fuzzy/intuitionistic fuzzy payoffs. It starts by discussing several existing methods and shows that some mathematically incorrect assumptions have been considered in all these methods. It then proposes solutions to adapt those methods and validate the new proposed methods, such as Gaurika method Ambika-I-IV, Mehar method and others, by using them for solving existing numerical problems. The book o

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